By Efe Karakus


Updated Tue, Nov 17, 2015


In League of Legends, players need to share information with each other in order to kill opponents or take objectives. Effecting communication allows players to know which steps to take next, increasing their chances of securing a win.

We recorded the voices of 3 of our players in a game of LoL. Bars represents a player talking at that time. Our goal is to explore different aspects of interactions and show the potential of speech analysis in competitive video games.




The players talked on average for 5:17 minutes with the distribution being almost uniform.

In the previous section, we can observe the infamous top lane island as Fiora has the lowest amount of contribution during the laning phase. The player becomes more involved as the team starts grouping up and take down objectives.

Objective Control

Team chatter tends to spike as players converge around objectives. However, teammates should not interrupt each other to enable a fluid sequence of events.

In this section, we focus on the events between 29:00 and 32:00. Fiora kills Yasuo at 30:00 with the help of Hecarim. Although the two players were talking during the event, they also interrupted each other.


All of the interruptions between at least two players are highlighted in the following chart.

Fiora was interrupted for 98 seconds out of 344 seconds, therefore 28.5% of the time another player was talking concurrently. Hecarim was interrupted for 39.6%, and Zilean for 35.6% of the time!


There is so much to explore about how communication affects your in game performance! Maybe the volume of the players make a difference? How are the comms different between a win and a loss?

I would love to hear more about your opinions; feel free to message me @efekarakus.

Also thanks to my friends Nathan and Chris for recording their voices!